Our people

David Guralnick, Ph.D.

David Guralnick has been a recognized leader in the field
of computer-based and online learning for over twenty years, specializing in the design of "user experiences" in e-learning.
His contributions to the field of e-learning include the creation of the first online learn-by-doing simulation training course for corporate use (in 1993), and the first e-learning authoring tool to allow trainers and subject matter experts to create rich e-learning products on their
own (in 1995). He has since designed numerous online learning methodologies for both training and performance-support goals,
and has been the recipient of awards from several national and international organizations, including Brandon-Hall.com, the Society
for Applied Learning Technology (SALT), and the International Association for the Development of an Information Society (IADIS).He is a regular keynote speaker at industry conferences, and holdsa Ph.D. from Northwestern University, where his work synthesized concepts in artificial intelligence, education, software usability, and cognitive psychology.

David serves as an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University's
Teachers College; was the founding chair of the E-learning Groupfor ASTD-NY, the American Society for Training & Development
(2002-2009); was chair of the International Conference on E-Learning (2006 and 2007) and the founding chair of International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (2008-present); and is president of the International E-Learning Association (2007-present). Further information about David, including lists of his awards, publications,
and talks, can be found at www.davidguralnick.com. David was a founder of Kaleidoscope Learning and has been with the company since its inception in 1998.